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Sponsorship and Exhibition Booking Portal

Welcome to the Sponsorship and Exhibition Booking Portal. Please scroll down and view the list of available packages.  

New Bookings: Please follow the steps below to book a package or exhibition stand

1. Click on 'Create New Account'
2. Create a new account using your email address and a password (Please remember your password to be able to return to your account)
3. Click on 'Sponsorship Opportunities'
    Enter contact details
    Submit to see packages
4. Select 'Sponsorship Package'
    Accept Terms and Conditions
    Click on 'Book Package'
5. A confirmation letter will be e-mailed to confirm your booking has been received

Existing Sponsors / Exhibitors: If you already have an account and would like to view or modify your booking, please sign in to your existing booking below using your account email address and password.

Available Sponsorship Packages

New Account

Create New Account

Existing Account
